• Do you do Same-Day Delivery? :

YES! We do free Same day Delivery to all Suburbs in the Sutherland Shire if you get your order in by 9am! 

  • What if I don't live in the Sutherland Shire?

We still Deliver to anywhere in Sydney for just $10!  

  • What is your minimum order for delivery? 

Sutherland Shire:
Orders Under $50 occur a $10 delivery fee
Orders Over $50 are free 

Rest of Sydney:
Minimum order of $50 (Standard $10 Delivery Fee)


  • When will my Delivery arrive?

IF you are located within the Sutherland Shire, your order will arrive between 4-7pm.
IF you are located anywhere else in Sydney, your order will arrive between 4-8pm (The day after you place the order)

  • How is my Order Delivered?

All orders will be packed, labelled & boxed for delivery
We will hand deliver your order to make sure it arrives safely and in the best condition possible

  • What do I do if there is a problem with my order? 

If you find a problem with your order please contact us within 24hrs. If the error has been made by Butcher Bag, we will arrange a replacement or refund the spend amount in question.

If the matter is personnel error we will work with you to fix it.
Call 0439443278, or Email lachlan@butcherbag.com.au

  • What is our return policy?

We pride ourselves on providing the best quality and freshest produce possible. In the event you have received a product you are unhappy with due to quality or error, please contact the store immediately.

We will be happy to discuss the matter with you personally to determine the issue and treat the scenario individually. If the issue is deemed due to our error, then the goods will be replaced. A refund of the amount of the goods in question may also be considered in certain circumstances where replacement isn’t an option.